Contact Us

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1225 SE Water Ave
Portland, OR, 97214
United States


No time or costume change limits with Shoots.
We take as long as we need, it's more fun this way.

*ALL large high quality images files included*

No Hidden Costs

Gift certificates available !

Erotic Lovers Shoot - $1,500 - $3,500

This shoot is priced for 1 or 2 people, it's $300 per additional person

The Lovers Shoot is for couples that wish to explore capturing images of the intimacy they share. This may be playing with the shapes your bodies make together and or the raw expression of sex. Start wherever you're comfortable and go wherever you wish in the moment.

You receive ALL of your images on a DVD for use. They're your images only and you can do whatever you want with them.

I bring a security assistant to be outside of our shooting space for my added protection.

Solo Artistic Nudes (Boudoir) - $500 - $3,500

No time or costume limits and & you get all of your photos

Live Photo Booth - $300 - $1,500

This is a great option for parties / events.  Guests LOVE It !
You receive ALL of your image files for print / use as well as a private online gallery for you to share with your guests to view and easily retrieve their images for FREE. 

This Photo Booth has no nudity or sex acts

I'm happy to help you create a fun back drop of your choice.

Live Erotic Photo Booth- $1,500 - $3,500

This is a great option for Erotic Parties / Events (big or small)  Guests LOVE It !
You receive ALL of your image files for print / use as well as a private online gallery for you to share with your guests to view and easily retrieve their images for FREE.

I have a clear contract for your guests to sign with solid respect boundaries as well as release agreements. The contract can be custom edited to include your personal needs and wishes.

This Photo Booth can have nudity & sex acts.

I'm happy to help you create a fun back drop of your choice.